question:f you could go back and change one event in history, what would it be?
answer:I send an anonymous tip to the sarajevo police stateing that I had discovered a plot to assassinate archduke Franz Ferdinand including the names of the assassins.
question:Would you ever wear a Rolex submariner with a suit and/or blazer?
answer:It does not matter any dress when you are wearing a Rolex ;) Trust me if you are wearing a shorts then Rolex will cast its magic to everyone. However, out of these 2 options i would personally prefer suit as it gives more executive looks and creates a great impression. Taking off jacket will work same. Regards, Ali,
question:there anything about the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash that just doesn’t add up?
answer:While waiting for answers, did some research myself. And I found out that it is true that Kobe did a Nike commercial of a helicopter crashing at the end of the video onto a basketball court where Kobe was supposedly standing. Not only that, Kobe picked up the basketball time-bomb showing 4.1 seconds (05:07 of the video). Didn’t he die at the age of 41? Is this just a coincidence?
question:What are some plastic surgery masterpieces?
answer:The person that’s never been touched that’s my opinion anyway I don’t believe in plastic surgery less you’ve had a horrific accident