question:import os import subprocess import numpy as np import uuid # Import uuid to generate unique IDs from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip from import wavfile import random temporary_audio_files = [] # Define video file extensions and the output folder video_extensions = ['.mp4', '.mkv', '.wmv', '.avi'] output_folder = 'Output' def sorting_preference_to_string(pref): sorting_options = { 1: "Par ordre de lecture de la vidéo", 2: "Par ordre inverse de lecture de la vidéo", 3: "Par volume croissant", 4: "Par volume décroissant", 5: "Aléatoire" } return sorting_options.get(pref, "Non défini") def peak_position_to_string(pos): peak_options = { '1': "À 1/4 du temps de lecture de la vidéo", '2': "À 1/2 du temps de lecture de la vidéo", '3': "À 3/4 du temps de lecture de la vidéo" } return peak_options.get(pos, "Non défini") def print_menu(video_durations): global include_subfolders, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds global segment_duration, num_moments, sorting_preference, peak_position max_segments = calculate_max_segments(video_durations, segment_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) print("nMenu des options :") print(f"1. Traiter les sous-dossiers ou non (actuel: {str(include_subfolders)})") print(f"2. Effectuer un retrait temporel (début: {str(starting_offset_seconds)}s, fin: {str(ending_offset_seconds)}s)") print(f"3. Changer la durée des segments (actuel: {str(segment_duration)}s | max segments extractibles: {str(max_segments)})") print(f"4. Changer le nombre de segments à extraire (actuel: {str(num_moments)})") print(f"5. Changer l'ordre de tri (actuel: {sorting_preference_to_string(sorting_preference)})") print(f"6. Changer l'emplacement du pic sonore (actuel: {peak_position_to_string(peak_position)})") print(f"7. Relancer l'extraction") print(f"8. Quitter") def ask_for_number_of_moments(max_segments): while True: num_input = input(f"Veuillez entrer le nombre de moments forts à extraire (maximum {max_segments}): ") try: num = int(num_input) if num > 0 and num <= max_segments: return num else: print(f"Le nombre doit être supérieur à 0 et inférieur ou égal à {max_segments}. Veuillez réessayer.") except ValueError: print("Entrée non valide, veuillez réessayer avec un nombre entier.") def ask_yes_no_question(question): answer = None while answer not in ('1', '2'): print(question) print("1- Oui") print("2- Non") answer = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix (1 ou 2) : ").strip() if answer not in ('1', '2'): print("Entrée non valide, veuillez réessayer.") return answer == '1' def ask_offset_type(): print("Souhaitez-vous un décalage temporel relatif ou absolu ?") print("1- Relatif (pourcentage)") print("2- Absolu (secondes)") while True: choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix (1 ou 2) : ").strip() if choice in ('1', '2'): return choice else: print("Entrée non valide, veuillez réessayer.") def get_offset_value(video_duration, offset_type): if offset_type == '1': # Relative offset while True: percent = input("Entrez le pourcentage du temps vidéo à ignorer : ") try: percent_value = float(percent) return percent_value * video_duration / 100 except ValueError: print("Veuillez entrer un nombre valide.") else: # Absolute offset while True: seconds = input("Entrez le nombre de secondes à ignorer : ") try: return float(seconds) except ValueError: print("Veuillez entrer un nombre valide.") def ask_for_segment_duration(allowable_duration, video_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds): while True: duration = input("Quelle est la durée (en secondes) de chaque segment vidéo à extraire ? ") try: segment_duration = float(duration) if segment_duration > 0 and segment_duration <= allowable_duration: # Calculez le nombre maximal de segments pour une vidéo available_duration = video_duration - (starting_offset_seconds + ending_offset_seconds) max_segments = int(available_duration // segment_duration) return segment_duration, max_segments else: print(f"La durée doit être un nombre positif et inférieure ou égale à {allowable_duration} secondes.") except ValueError: print("Veuillez entrer un nombre valide.") def ask_directory_preference(): print("Souhaitez-vous inclure les sous-dossiers dans la recherche des vidéos ?") print("1- Oui") print("2- Non") choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix (1 ou 2) : ") return choice.strip() == '1' # Retourne True si l'utilisateur choisit '1' (Oui), False sinon def calculate_loudness(audio_data): if audio_data.ndim == 1: volume = audio_data.astype('float32') ** 2 else: volume = np.mean(audio_data.astype('float32') ** 2, axis=1) volume_dB = 10 * np.log10(volume + 1e-9) # +1e-9 to avoid log(0) and convert to dB return volume_dB def calculate_max_segments(video_durations, segment_duration, starting_offset, ending_offset): min_duration = min(video_durations.values()) allowable_duration = min_duration - (starting_offset + ending_offset) if allowable_duration > 0: return int(allowable_duration // segment_duration) else: return 0 def find_loudest_moments(audio_filename, num_moments, segment_duration, video_duration, starting_offset, ending_offset): rate, audio_data = # Convert stereo to mono if necessary if audio_data.ndim == 2: audio_data = np.mean(audio_data, axis=1) volume_dB = calculate_loudness(audio_data) segment_half_duration = segment_duration / 2.0 start_index = int(starting_offset * rate) end_index = int((video_duration - ending_offset) * rate) moments = [] volumes = [] while len(moments) < num_moments and (end_index - start_index) > 0: index = np.argmax(volume_dB[start_index:end_index]) print(f"Current index: {index}, start_index: {start_index}, end_index: {end_index}") # Ajouté pour le débogage moment = (start_index + index) / rate print(f"Added moment at {moment} seconds") # Ajouté pour le débogage moment_volume = volume_dB[start_index + index] if moment - segment_half_duration < starting_offset or moment + segment_half_duration > video_duration - ending_offset: volume_dB[start_index + index] = -np.inf continue moments.append(moment) print(f"Added moment at {moment} seconds") # Ajouté pour le débogage volumes.append(moment_volume) # Clear the volume around the found moment to prevent picking up nearby moments # Increment the global index by adding the start_index global_index = start_index + index # Clear the volume around the found moment to prevent picking up nearby moments clear_range_start = max(0, global_index - int(rate * segment_half_duration)) clear_range_end = min(len(volume_dB), global_index + int(rate * segment_half_duration)) # Debug print statements to check if the index and the volume are cleared print(f"Clearing from {clear_range_start} to {clear_range_end}") print(f"Volume before clearing at index {global_index}: {volume_dB[global_index]}") volume_dB[clear_range_start:clear_range_end] = -np.inf print(f"Volume after clearing at index {global_index}: {volume_dB[global_index]}") return moments, volumes def perform_extraction(video_durations): global starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds global segment_duration, num_moments, sorting_preference, peak_position, processed_videos for video_path, duration in video_durations.items(): available_duration = duration - (starting_offset_seconds + ending_offset_seconds) if available_duration <= segment_duration: print(f"La vidéo {video_path} est trop courte après les décalages. Ignorer.") continue if sorting_preference == 5: # Aléatoire all_possible_moments = np.arange(starting_offset_seconds, duration - ending_offset_seconds - segment_duration, segment_duration) + (segment_duration / 2) np.random.shuffle(all_possible_moments) selected_moments = all_possible_moments[:num_moments] volumes = [0] * len(selected_moments) # Les volumes sont justes pour la compatibilité avec extract_segments. else: audio_path = f'temp_audio_{uuid.uuid4().hex}.wav' try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip:, codec='pcm_s16le', fps=44100, nbytes=2, buffersize=2000) moments, volumes = find_loudest_moments(audio_path, num_moments, segment_duration, duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) sorted_moments, sorted_volumes = sort_moments(moments, volumes, sorting_preference) selected_moments = sorted_moments volumes = sorted_volumes finally: if os.path.exists(audio_path): os.remove(audio_path) extract_segments(video_path, selected_moments, segment_duration, duration, peak_position) processed_videos += 1 print(f"Extraction terminée pour la vidéo '{video_path}'") print(f"L'extraction de toutes les vidéos est terminée. Nombre de vidéos traitées : {processed_videos}.") def extract_segments(video_path, moments, segment_duration, video_duration, peak_position): if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0] half_segment_duration = segment_duration / 2 for i, moment in enumerate(moments): if peak_position == '1': # 1/4 start_time = max(moment - segment_duration * 0.25, 0) elif peak_position == '2': # 1/2 start_time = max(moment - segment_duration * 0.5, 0) elif peak_position == '3': # 3/4 start_time = max(moment - segment_duration * 0.75, 0) end_time = min(start_time + segment_duration, video_duration) output_filename = f"{base_name}_moment{i + 1}.mp4" output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, output_filename) command = [ "ffmpeg", "-y", # Overwrite output files without asking "-ss", str(start_time), # Start time "-i", video_path, # Input file "-t", str(min(segment_duration, video_duration - start_time)), # Duration or remaining video "-c:v", "libx264", # Specify video codec for output "-preset", "medium", # Specify the encoding preset (trade-off between encoding speed and quality) "-crf", "23", # Specify the Constant Rate Factor for quality (lower means better quality) "-c:a", "aac", # Specify audio codec for output "-strict", "-2", # Necessary for some versions of ffmpeg to use experimental aac encoder "-b:a", "192k", # Specify the audio bitrate output_path # Output path ] try:, check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print(f"Extracted and re-encoded {output_filename}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # Catch the exception for this process, print an error message, # but don't break from the for loop. err_msg = e.stderr.decode('utf-8') if e.stderr else 'Unknown error' print(f"Failed to extract segment from {video_path}: {err_msg}") def store_segment_info(video_path, moment, volume, order): base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0] output_filename = f"{base_name}_moment{order}.mp4" output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, output_filename) extracted_segments.append({ 'path': output_path, 'timestamp': moment, 'volume': volume }) def ask_sorting_preference(): print("Comment souhaitez-vous trier les vidéos extraites ?") print("1- Par ordre de lecture de la vidéo") print("2- Par ordre inverse de lecture de la vidéo") print("3- Par volume croissant") print("4- Par volume décroissant") print("5- Aléatoire") choice = int(input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix : ")) return choice def sort_moments(moments, volumes, choice): if choice == 1: # Par ordre de lecture de la vidéo zipped = sorted(zip(moments, volumes), key=lambda x: x[0]) elif choice == 2: # Par ordre inverse de lecture de la vidéo zipped = sorted(zip(moments, volumes), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) elif choice == 3: # Par volume croissant zipped = sorted(zip(moments, volumes), key=lambda x: x[1]) elif choice == 4: # Par volume décroissant zipped = sorted(zip(moments, volumes), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) elif choice == 5: # Pas de tri, sélection aléatoire zipped = list(zip(moments, volumes)) random.shuffle(zipped) else: zipped = zip(moments, volumes) # Unzip the list of tuples to two lists sorted_moments, sorted_volumes = zip(*zipped) if zipped else ([], []) return list(sorted_moments), list(sorted_volumes) def get_video_durations(include_subfolders): video_durations = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.', topdown=True): # Si l'utilisateur ne souhaite pas inclure les sous-dossiers, nous modifions dirs sur place if not include_subfolders: dirs[:] = [] # Cela empêchera os.walk de descendre dans tous les sous-dossiers # La suite du traitement des fichiers reste inchangée for file in files: if file.lower().endswith(tuple(video_extensions)): video_path = os.path.join(root, file) try: # Essayez d'ouvrir et d'extraire les métadonnées du fichier vidéo. video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_path) video_duration = video_clip.duration video_durations[video_path] = video_duration except Exception as e: # Si une erreur survient, affichez un message et ignorez le fichier vidéo. print(f"Error processing video {video_path}: {e}") finally: # Assurez-vous de fermer le clip pour libérer les ressources. video_clip.close() return video_durations def confirm_segment_number_or_ask_again(video_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds): allowable_duration = video_duration - (starting_offset_seconds + ending_offset_seconds) while True: segment_duration, max_segments = ask_for_segment_duration(allowable_duration, video_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) print(f"Avec cette durée, vous pouvez extraire jusqu'à {max_segments} segments.") confirmation = ask_yes_no_question("Voulez-vous continuer avec ce nombre de segments ?") if confirmation: return segment_duration, max_segments def ask_peak_position(): print("Où doit être situé le pic sonore dans la vidéo extraite ?") print("1- A 1/4 du temps de lecture de la vidéo") print("2- A 1/2 du temps de lecture de la vidéo") print("3- A 3/4 du temps de lecture de la vidéo") while True: choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix (1, 2, ou 3) : ").strip() if choice in ('1', '2', '3'): return choice else: print("Entrée non valide, veuillez réessayer.") def main(): global include_subfolders, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds global segment_duration, num_moments, sorting_preference, peak_position, processed_videos, video_durations # Initialisation des variables avec des valeurs par défaut include_subfolders = False starting_offset_seconds = 0 ending_offset_seconds = 0 segment_duration = 5.0 # Valeur par défaut, par exemple 5 secondes max_segments = calculate_max_segments(video_durations, segment_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) num_moments = 20 # Valeur par défaut, par exemple 5 moments sorting_preference = 4 # Valeur par défaut, par exemple tri par ordre de lecture de la vidéo peak_position = '2' # Valeur par défaut, par exemple à 1/2 du temps de lecture de la vidéo processed_videos = 0 # Chargement des durées des vidéos au démarrage du script video_durations = get_video_durations(include_subfolders) if not video_durations: print("Aucune vidéo trouvée pour l'analyse.") exit() while True: print_menu(video_durations) choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix : ").strip() if choice == '1': include_subfolders = ask_directory_preference() video_durations = get_video_durations(include_subfolders) elif choice == '2': # Récupérez les nouvelles valeurs. offset_type = ask_offset_type() # Utilisez une valeur minimale mise à jour si nécessaire. min_duration = min(video_durations.values()) print("Configuration du retrait temporel pour le début de la vidéo:") starting_offset_seconds = get_offset_value(min_duration, offset_type) print("Configuration du retrait temporel pour la fin de la vidéo:") ending_offset_seconds = get_offset_value(min_duration, offset_type) elif choice == '3': segment_duration, max_segments = confirm_segment_number_or_ask_again(min(video_durations.values()), starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) elif choice == '4': num_moments = ask_for_number_of_moments(max_segments) elif choice == '5': sorting_preference = ask_sorting_preference() elif choice == '6': peak_position = ask_peak_position() elif choice == '7': # Exécutez vos sous-fonctions pour effectuer l'extraction des segments. # Vous souhaiterez probablement encapsuler cela dans une autre fonction. perform_extraction(video_durations) # Call perform_extraction instead of extract_segments elif choice == '8': print("Fin du programme.") break else: print("Choix non valide. Veuillez réessayer.") print(f"Le traitement de toutes les vidéos est terminé. {processed_videos} vidéos ont été traitées.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
answer:Your code structure looks good and you've made the necessary changes to the `print_menu` function to display `max_segments` correctly. However, it looks like you're still referencing `video_durations` before it's declared in the `main` function. Here's the corrected snippet where `video_durations` is initialized before it's used to set `max_segments` in `main()`: ```python def main(): global include_subfolders, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds global segment_duration, num_moments, sorting_preference, peak_position, processed_videos # Initialize the variables with default values include_subfolders = False starting_offset_seconds = 0 ending_offset_seconds = 0 segment_duration = 5.0 # Default value, e.g., 5 seconds num_moments = 20 # Default value, e.g., 20 moments sorting_preference = 4 # Default value, e.g., sorting by descending volume peak_position = '2' # Default value, e.g., peak at the middle of the segment processed_videos = 0 # Load video durations at the start of the script video_durations = get_video_durations(include_subfolders) if not video_durations: print("Aucune vidéo trouvée pour l'analyse.") exit() # Calculate max_segments with the newly obtained video_durations max_segments = calculate_max_segments(video_durations, segment_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds) while True: print_menu(video_durations) # Pass video_durations to print_menu choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix : ").strip() # Handle user choices if choice == '1': # ... ``` Remember to adjust the `print_menu` function to receive `video_durations` as an argument too: ```python def print_menu(video_durations): # ... your existing code ... ``` Now, `max_segments` will be correctly calculated with the current `video_durations` every time the menu is displayed, and `video_durations` is initialized before its first use. The rest of your script's logic for processing user input and initiating the extraction process based on the options chosen in the menu appears intact and should work as you have designed it. Remember to test your script thoroughly to catch any other issues that might not be immediately apparent from code review alone.
question:Pourrait-on faire en sorte que lorsque le menu a chargé (uniquement après un changement de duréeà, le nombre de segments à extraire corresponde au nombre de segments max ?
answer:Oui, nous pouvons certainement modifier le script pour que chaque fois que la durée du segment est changée dans le menu, le nombre de moments (segments à extraire) soit automatiquement mis à jour pour correspondre au nombre maximum de segments extractibles basé sur la nouvelle configuration de durée. Pour réaliser cela, nous pouvons faire en sorte que la fonction `ask_for_segment_duration` retourne non seulement la nouvelle durée du segment, mais aussi le nombre maximal de segments calculé pour cette durée. Ensuite, dans la boucle principale du menu, lorsque l'utilisateur choisit de modifier la durée des segments, le nombre de moments sera ajusté en conséquence. Voici comment vous pouvez y parvenir : ```python def ask_for_segment_duration(allowable_duration, video_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds): while True: duration = input("Quelle est la durée (en secondes) de chaque segment vidéo à extraire ? ") try: segment_duration = float(duration) if segment_duration > 0 and segment_duration <= allowable_duration: available_duration = video_duration - (starting_offset_seconds + ending_offset_seconds) max_segments = int(available_duration // segment_duration) return segment_duration, max_segments else: print(f"La durée doit être un nombre positif et inférieure ou égale à {allowable_duration} secondes.") except ValueError: print("Veuillez entrer un nombre valide.") def main(): # ... le reste de votre code restant inchangé. while True: print_menu(video_durations) # Pass video_durations to print_menu choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix : ").strip() # Handle user choices if choice == '1': # ... elif choice == '3': segment_duration, max_segments = ask_for_segment_duration( min(video_durations.values()), starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds ) num_moments = max_segments # Mettez à jour le nombre de moments pour correspondre au nombre maximal de segments # ... le reste du code du menu. # Si l'utilisateur choisit une autre option, n'oubliez pas de recalculer max_segments # ajouter des logiques ici si nécessaire. # ... le reste de votre code restant inchangé. if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` Dans cet exemple, lorsque l'utilisateur sélectionne l'option pour changer la durée des segments (choix '3'), `ask_for_segment_duration` est appellée et retourne à la fois la nouvelle durée de segment et le maximum de segments extractibles. Le nombre de moments à extraire (`num_moments`) est alors mis à jour pour correspondre à ce nombre maximal après chaque modification de la durée des segments. **Notez bien :** Il est également important de mettre à jour la variable `segment_duration` globale depuis le résultat de `ask_for_segment_duration`. Assurez-vous que toutes les instances qui utilisent `segment_duration` et `num_moments` tiennent compte de ces changements pour le reste du script, y compris les fonctions et les appels de fonction.
question:Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:TestsFinalScript extraction moments forts -", line 423, in <module> main() File "H:TestsFinalScript extraction moments forts -", line 392, in main segment_duration, max_segments = ask_for_segment_duration( TypeError: ask_for_segment_duration() missing 1 required positional argument: 'ending_offset_seconds'
answer:The error message tells you that the `ask_for_segment_duration` function is expecting an additional argument which has not been provided. It looks like there was an omission in the function call. The `ask_for_segment_duration` function takes four arguments: 1. `allowable_duration` 2. `video_duration` 3. `starting_offset_seconds` 4. `ending_offset_seconds` But in the call from `main`, you're currently passing: 1. `min(video_durations.values())` (This is actually the `video_duration` argument) 2. `starting_offset_seconds` 3. `ending_offset_seconds` You're missing an argument for `allowable_duration`. The first argument should be the maximum duration during which segments can be extracted after removing the `starting_offset_seconds` and `ending_offset_seconds` offsets. Let's fix this call by calculating `allowable_duration` before passing it to the function: ```python def main(): global include_subfolders, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds global segment_duration, num_moments, sorting_preference, peak_position, processed_videos, video_durations # ... initialization ... while True: print_menu(video_durations) choice = input("Veuillez entrer le numéro de votre choix : ").strip() if choice == '1': # ... elif choice == '2': # ... elif choice == '3': min_duration = min(video_durations.values()) # Minimum duration among all videos allowable_duration = min_duration - (starting_offset_seconds + ending_offset_seconds) segment_duration, max_segments = ask_for_segment_duration( allowable_duration, min_duration, starting_offset_seconds, ending_offset_seconds ) num_moments = max_segments # Set the number of moments to the maximum possible based on the new duration # ... the rest of the menu code ... # ... rest of your script ... ``` With this correction, you are now calling the `ask_for_segment_duration` function with the correct number of parameters. The `allowable_duration` is correctly calculated as the duration that is available for segment extraction after offsets are accounted for. Ensure that after the call to `ask_for_segment_duration`, you update the global `segment_duration` and `num_moments` with their new values so that the rest of the program can use the updated settings. After running this corrected code, you should no longer see the `TypeError` you were encountering.
question:Write a realistic, sensible, plausible and alternate history scenario in the form of a historical documentary book chapter set in the world of the alternate historical scenario with no references to this being an alternate history scenario or to the real world timeline at all, in which die Großgermanisches Reich [the Greater Germanic Realm/the Greater Germanic Empire/Second Holy Roman Empire/Nationalist Roman State/Lutherian Holy Roman Empire/Grand Germanic Realm/Greater Germanic Realm/Greater Germanic Empire |die Großgermanisches Reich|, an aristocratic imperial monarchial neo-feudal semi-democratic federalist fascist unitary presidental republican state [die Großgermanisches Reich] and [what die Großgermanisches Reich was apart from |the Großgermanisches Reich| being a aristocratic imperial monarchial neo-feudal semi-democratic federalist fascist unitary presidental republican state] a hereditary military dictatorship [die Großgermanisches Reich], ruled [the Großgermanisches Reich] by [the Großgermanisches Reich's ruling party] die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP [the National Socialist Workers' Party |die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP|], a Deutsche nationalist and [Deutsche] imperialist, anti-corporate power, anti-big buisness, anti-bourgeois, anti-capitalist, anti-progressive, extremely Russophobic, anti-communist, anti-Soviet radical semi-fascist socialist political party, political organization, social movement, quasi-religious movement and semi-secret society [die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSADP] that [die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP] was [what happened to die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP] located [die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP] in [where die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP was |die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP| located] Deutschland, with die Haus Hohenzollern [the Royal House of Hohenzollern |die Haus Hohenzollern|] acting [die Haus Hohenzollern] as [the position the die Haus Hohenzollern held in the upper echelons of the Großgermanisches Reich's government] its [the Großgermanisches Reich's] Kaiserhaus [imperial family |Kaiserhaus|], [the Großgermanisches Reich ruled by die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSADP with die Haus Hohenzollern as its |the Großgermanisches Reich's| Kaiserhaus |die Haus Hohenzollern|] located [the location of the Großgermanisches Reich] in [the location of the Großgermanisches Reich in Europe] Central and parts of Eastern Europe which [the location of the Großgermanisches Reich] ruled over [the territories ruled over by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland/die Großgermanisches Reich] Deutschland [East and West Germany |Deutschland|], die Freistaat Preußen/ [the Free State of Prussia |die Freistaat Preußen|, which | die Freistaat Preußen| consisted |die Freistaat Preußen| of |the European territories controlled by die Freistaat Preußen| Western Poland and Russia's Kalingrad Region], die Österreich [Austria, Slovenia and Italy's South Tyrol region |die Österreich|], Elsaß-Lothringen [France's Alsace–Lorraine |Elsaß-Lothringen|] and Böhmen [Czechia, excluding the Sudetenland region |Böhmen|], [the Großgermanisches Reich ruled by die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSADP with die Haus Hohenzollern as its |the Großgermanisches Reich's| Kaiserhaus |die Haus Hohenzollern| ruling |the Großgermanisches Reich| over Deutschland, die Freistaat Preußen, die Österreich, Elsaß-Lothringen and Böhmen] from [how long the the Großgermanisches Reich ruled by die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSADP with die Haus Hohenzollern as its |the Großgermanisches Reich's| Kaiserhaus |die Haus Hohenzollern| reign |the Großgermanisches Reich| over Deutschland, die Freistaat Preußen, die Österreich, Elsaß-Lothringen and Böhmen lasted] 1933-1945, [die Großgermanisches Reich] which [die Großgermanisches Reich] was [what happened to die Großgermanisches Reich] restored [die Großgermanisches Reich] as [what die Großgermanisches Reich is |die Großgermanisches Reich| restored |die Großgermanisches Reich| as] the government [die Großgermanisches Reich] of its [die Großgermanisches Reich's] former territories following [when die Großgermanisches Reich is |die Großgermanisches Reich| and |die Großgermanisches Reich| regained its |die Großgermanisches Reich's terriorial integrity following its |die Großgermanisches Reich's| restoration]] after [the event that happens before the restoration ofdie Großgermanisches Reich due to a loophole in the '2+2' Treaty] the fall of the Berlin Wall in [when the fall of the Berlin Wall that happens before the restoration of das Deutsches Reich due to a loophole in the '2+2' Treaty] 1989, [die Großgermanisches Reich being |die Großgermanisches Reich| restored |die Großgermanisches Reich| to its |die Großgermanisches Reich's| 1914 borders after the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall] at the climax of [what is ending as die Großgermanisches Reich is |die Großgermanisches Reich| restored |die Großgermanisches Reich| to its |die Großgermanisches Reich's| 1914 borders after the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall] the Cold War [a state of political hostility |a cold war| between |who is politically hostile to each other during a cold war| rivaling, hostile countries characterized |a cold war| by |what occurs during a cold war| threats, propaganda, covert operations, military interventions, and other measures short of open warfare] between [whom the Cold War is |the Cold War| fought between] the communist authoritarian expansionist military dictatorship of the CCCP [Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |CCCP|] and the liberal constitutional republic of the USA, with die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSADP unfortunately returning to power [in the post-Berlin Wall, late stage Cold War restored die Großgermanisches Reich].
answer:Chapter VII: The Phoenix Ascendant: The Restoration of Die Großgermanisches Reich As the winds of change swept across the continent in the momentous year of 1989, the Berlin Wall, that enduring symbol of division, was brought down by the collective hands of a people yearning for unity. Yet, in the shadow of this celebrated collapse, a series of events was set into motion that would see the reemergence of a specter from the past, reshaping the destiny of Central and Eastern Europe. The Großgermanisches Reich, once thought a dark chapter sealed in the annals of history, found its resurrection in the tumult of an era. It was a period fraught with political maneuvering, where old treaties were scrutinized and long-standing borders questioned. An unintended consequence of the '2+2' Treaty, which sought to address the future of Germany post-reunification, acted as the catalyst in this unforeseen revival. Within the heart of Central and Eastern Europe, encompassing Deutschland, the reconstituted Freistaat Preußen stretched across lands that included Western Poland and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, while die Österreich reclaimed its former territories, inclusive of Slovenia and Italy's South Tyrol. The regions of Elsaß-Lothringen and Böhmen, though not without contention, were also brought under this expansive fold. Amidst this systemic change, the Kaiserhaus of Hohenzollern rose once more to prominence, its venerable lineage reinstating a semblance of monarchical tradition within the Großgermanisches Reich framework. Yet, it was by no means a simple return to pre-war imperial grandeur; the state apparatus was an intricate matrix of old and new ideologies, where aristocratic principles melded with the unyielding tenets of die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). As the Cold War's embers faded, the communist and authoritarian grip of the CCCP loosened, seeding the possibility of a resurgence no one could have anticipated. The NSDAP, leveraging the disarray and the public's hunger for strong leadership amidst geopolitical uncertainties, maneuvered itself back into power. This newfound Großgermanisches Reich was a paradoxical entity—a strange hybrid of governance that maintained a semblance of republicanism amidst authoritarian rule. The NSDAP, now a shadow of its former incarnation, managed to retain its anti-capitalist and radically nationalist stances while shunning the direct corporate influence that dominated other economies. In the span of a mere half-century, the Reich had evolved from a realm vanquished in the conflagration of the Second Great War to a renewed force straddling the heart of Europe. The establishment of this state did not occur without resistance, both internally and from the international community, yet it persisted against the odds. To analysts and historians alike, the question remained: How did this revision of history, this resurrection of the Großgermanisches Reich, persist in a world that had borne witness to its previous atrocities? The answer lay in a potent mixture of revived nationalism, the strategic exploitation of legal ambiguities, and the undeniable charisma of the Hohenzollerns—the latter proving once more that the draw of dynasty could not be underestimated. And so, the Großgermanisches Reich, ruled by the NSDAP, with the Hohenzollerns as its imperial family, reinstated its dominion over a substantial swathe of Europe. In a contemporary age that presumed such a renewal was beyond the realm of possibility, the Reich had indeed returned, forming a new chapter in the continent’s complex and often tumultuous history.