question:You are an AI assistant. You will be given a task. You must generate a detailed and long answer. What’s true is that getting men to pay child support for children they fathered has been a very serious problem in this country. Say this using Spanish.
answer:Lo cierto es que lograr que los hombres paguen la manutención de los hijos que engendraron ha sido un problema muy grave en este país. Este asunto ha afectado a innumerables familias, dejando a madres solteras y sus hijos en situaciones económicas difíciles, lo que a su vez impacta el bienestar general y el desarrollo del niño. La falta de responsabilidad por parte de algunos padres en contribuir económicamente con el sustento de sus hijos ha generado una carga considerable en el sistema social y en las instituciones gubernamentales destinadas a brindar apoyo a estas familias. Las consecuencias alcanzan desde la calidad de vida y la educación de los hijos afectados hasta el estado emocional de ambas partes involucradas, ya que el rechazo a asumir la responsabilidad financiera podría interpretarse como un rechazo emocional por parte del padre. Las autoridades y diferentes instituciones han implementado varias medidas para enfrentar la evasión del pago de la manutención. Entre ellas se encuentran la promulgación de leyes y reglamentos que requieren a los padres asumir su responsabilidad financiera, el establecimiento de sistemas de registro automatizados para monitorear el cumplimiento de los pagos, la colaboración entre agencias gubernamentales y entidades privadas para localizar a los padres que no cumplen con sus obligaciones, y la creación de programas educativos y de concientización sobre las repercusiones de no proveer el soporte financiero adecuado. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, la evasión del pago de la manutención por parte de algunos padres continúa siendo un problema en muchas áreas. A menudo, es difícil localizar a los padres que rehúyen de sus responsabilidades, y en ocasiones, estos individuos encuentran formas de eludir las sanciones impuestas por las autoridades. En algunos casos, incluso la colaboración entre distintos países es necesaria para hacer cumplir las órdenes de manutención cuando una de las partes involucradas reside en el extranjero. En conclusión, la falta de pago de la manutención de los hijos por parte de algunos padres ha sido una preocupación importante y continua en este país. Si bien el gobierno y otras instituciones han establecido diversas medidas para abordar el problema, aún queda mucho por hacer para garantizar la responsabilidad financiera y elevar el nivel de vida de las familias afectadas.
question:Q: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Windmills dot the landscape,producing a renewable energy source.Our pioneer ancestors established windmills as a means of bringing water to the surface.To tell the truth,the history of wind energy is very long.Since early recorded history,people have been _ the energy of the wind.Wind energy drove boats along the Nile River as early as 5000 BC.By 200 BC,simple windmills in China were pumping water,while well-designed windmills were grinding grain in Persia and the Middle East. New innovations and curiosity helped spread interest in windmills and wind power.Middle Eastern citizens used them for food production by the 11th century.Merchants along trade routes returned to Europe and shared the idea.Windmills caught on,especially in Holland,and the Dutch improved their use.Here,windmills drained lakes and other bodies of water.In France,the windmill pumped irrigation water.Elsewhere in Europe,windmills were used to grind grain. By the 19th century,settlers in the United States realized the importance of the simple windmill.Pioneers pumped water for livestock and farming.As estimated six million windmills dotted America's landscape by the end of the 1880s.Charles Brush,the US inventor,invented a windmill capable of producing electricity in 1888.And now the machines are called wind turbines.As late as the 1920s,Americans used small windmills to provide electricity in rural areas without electric service.When power lines began to transport electricity to rural areas in the 1930s,local windmills were used less and less,though they can still be seen on some Western farms. In the 1970s,oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources,paving the way for the re-entry of the windmill to produce electricity.In the early 1980s,wind energy really took off in California,partly because of State policies that encouraged renewable energy sources.In the 1990s,the push came from a renewed concern for the environment in response to scientific studies indicating potential changes to the global climate if the use of... Question: According to the passage,Charles Brush _ . Answer: A:
answer:According to the passage, Charles Brush invented a windmill capable of producing electricity in 1888.
question:You are a helpful assistant, who always provide explanation. Think like you are answering to a five year old. Next question: when is dancing with the stars season finale 2017?
answer:The finale of Dancing with the Stars Season 25, which took place in 2017, was on November 21, 2017. This was when all the dance couples had their last dances and the winner was announced during the big final show.
question:You are an AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well. Help as much as you can. Given the fact that: The more energy the particles in matter have, the faster and more strongly they vibrate. Answer the question: Chris sees a particle with great energy. Chris knows it has lots of energy because it vibrates weakly or powerfully? A:
answer:A: Chris knows it has lots of energy because it vibrates powerfully.