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question:Abre los paréntesis у pon los verbos en el Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo: 1. — Tienes cara de cansado, Fernando. ¿Qué (hacer, tú) hoy? — Hoy (hacer) de todo. Por la mañana (ir) a clase y después (estar) en el médico, (esperar) dos horas. ¿Te lo puedes creer? — Sí, yo también (tener) unas situaciones así, a veces hay que esperar mucho. ¿Y qué tal la semana? — Bastante bien. Este fin de semana (estar) en Toledo con unos amigos. Me (gustar) mucho. Es una ciudad preciosa. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué (hacer)? — Pues no mucho, la verdad. Esta semana (levantarse) muy pronto. Además, (estar) trabajando toda la semana, (tener) que hacer horas extra. Así que no (salir) mucho, (quedarse) en casa todo el tiempo. — Bueno, en casa se pueden hacer muchas cosas. — Sí, (leer) mucho y (dormir) bastante. Estoy tan cansada. — Pues, este fin de semana podemos salir a algún pueblo de aquí cerca y así cambias de aires. 2. — Hola, Marisa ¿qué tal? — Hola, guapa, ¿cómo estás? — Bien, bien, un poco tristona, (acabarse) las vacaciones y hay que empezar otra vez... 18 — Sí, es cierto. Y bueno ¿qué (hacer, tú) estas vacaciones? — Las (pasar) en la playa, en el norte. La verdad es que no (bañarse) mucho en el mar porque allí hace bastante frío pero (divertirse) mucho. — ¿Sí? Pero ¿dónde (estar)? — En Galicia, (ir, yo) con unos amigos. Ya (estar, nosotros) unas veces allí pero nos encanta. 3. Hoy es cumpleaños de Javier. Su hermana Ana y dos amigos le han preparado una sorpresa en su piso. Pero son las siete y media y Javier aún no ha vuelto a casa. Alguien llama a la puerta. Ana: Es Paco con la tarta. Voy yo. Pasa, pasa ¿qué (comprar, tú)? Paco: Una tarta de tiramisú. ¿(Decorar, vosotros) ya el salón? Ana: Sí ... pero ¡qué raro! Javier siempre llega a casa sobre las siete. Paco: Sí, pero esta semana (tener) mucho trabajo y a lo mejor (quedarse) en la oficina. Iván: No, no. Le (ver, yo) a las seis con Enrique en la parada del autobús. Paco: ¿Te (decir, él) algo? Iván: No, es que hoy no (hablar) con él. Paco: Pues entonces, seguro que (ir, ellos) a cenar por ahí y nosotros, esperando aquí. Ana: No, no puede ser, espero que no. Iván: Vamos a esperar hasta las ocho y luego nos vamos, ¿vale?

answer:1. — Tienes cara de cansado, Fernando. ¿Qué has hecho hoy? — Hoy he hecho de todo. Por la mañana fui a clase y después estuve en el médico, esperé dos horas. ¿Te lo puedes creer? — Sí, yo también he tenido unas situaciones así, a veces hay que esperar mucho. ¿Y qué tal la semana? — Bastante bien. Este fin de semana he estado en Toledo con unos amigos. Me ha gustado mucho. Es una ciudad preciosa. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué has hecho? — Pues no mucho, la verdad. Esta semana me levanté muy pronto. Además, he estado trabajando toda la semana, he tenido que hacer horas extra. Así que no he salido mucho, me he quedado en casa todo el tiempo. — Bueno, en casa se pueden hacer muchas cosas. — Sí, he leído mucho y he dormido bastante. Estoy tan cansada. — Pues, este fin de semana podemos salir a algún pueblo de aquí cerca y así cambias de aires. 2. — Hola, Marisa ¿qué tal? — Hola, guapa, ¿cómo estás? — Bien, bien, un poco tristona, se han acabado las vacaciones y hay que empezar otra vez... — Sí, es cierto. Y bueno ¿qué has hecho tú estas vacaciones? — Las he pasado en la playa, en el norte. La verdad es que no me he bañado mucho en el mar porque allí hace bastante frío, pero me he divertido mucho. — ¿Sí? Pero ¿dónde has estado? — En Galicia, he ido con unos amigos. Ya hemos estado unas veces allí pero nos encanta. 3. Hoy es cumpleaños de Javier. Su hermana Ana y dos amigos le han preparado una sorpresa en su piso. Pero son las siete y media y Javier aún no ha vuelto a casa. Alguien llama a la puerta. Ana: Es Paco con la tarta. Voy yo. Pasa, pasa ¿qué has comprado tú? Paco: Una tarta de tiramisú. ¿Habéis decorado ya el salón? Ana: Sí ... pero ¡qué raro! Javier siempre llega a casa sobre las siete. Paco: Sí, pero esta semana ha tenido mucho trabajo y a lo mejor se ha quedado en la oficina. Iván: No, no. Lo he visto a las seis con Enrique en la parada del autobús. Paco: ¿Te ha dicho algo? Iván: No, es que hoy no he hablado con él. Paco: Pues entonces, seguro que han ido a cenar por ahí y nosotros, esperando aquí. Ana: No, no puede ser, espero que no. Iván: Vamos a esperar hasta las ocho y luego nos vamos, ¿vale?

question:How big a deal would it be, how powerful would it be, if, during winter, at a campfire with sleeping Gendry, Arya, after thinking about a long time, decides to burn the list?

answer:In the context of the "A Game of Thrones" series by George R.R. Martin, or the corresponding HBO TV series "Game of Thrones," Arya Stark's list is a significant element of her character development. Arya creates a list of people she wants to kill out of a desire for vengeance for the wrongs committed against her family and herself. If there were a scene where Arya decides to burn her list—symbolizing her letting go of her vendetta—it would be a very powerful moment for her character arc. This action could symbolize several things: 1. **Forgiveness and Moving On**: Instead of harboring resentment and anger, burning the list would suggest that Arya has decided to release her desire for vengeance and to move forward with her life, perhaps finding peace in other ways. 2. **Growth and Maturation**: Arya's list is a physical manifestation of her trauma and the fixation on revenge which has been part of her survival. Choosing to burn it would indicate substantial personal growth and maturation, showing that she no longer allows her past to solely define her. 3. **Shifting Priorities**: Choosing the warmth and camaraderie of the campfire with Gendry over nursing her grievances could represent a shift in priorities, as Arya might come to value human connection and the present over past grudges. 4. **Symbolism**: In a narrative sense, the act of burning the list could carry strong symbolic weight. It could represent the "death" of Arya's old self, consumed by revenge, and the "rebirth" of a new Arya with different aspirations. This would serve as an important plot development within the story, hinting at a possible new direction for Arya's journey, potentially leading her to play a different role in the overarching plot. On a broader scale, such a moment could also impact the dynamics between characters, possibly leading to changes in alliances or confrontations, depending on the broader narrative circumstances and how other characters interpret or react to her decision. Please note that the interpretation can vary depending on the specific context within the story, as well as additional details that could be present around such an event. The narrative importance of this moment would be determined by its placement within the structure of the story and its aftermath.

question:how could wanting to help Gendry survive influence this decision? Also, how could meeting Gendry again make Arya think there could be hope of healing after all?

answer:If Arya's consideration of helping Gendry survive were to influence her decision to burn the list, it would indicate a significant shift in her priorities. Throughout "A Game of Thrones" and "Game of Thrones," Arya is often portrayed as an independent and survival-focused character, driven by the need to avenge her family. However, her deepening connection with Gendry could spark a transformation in her motives and actions. Helping Gendry survive could lead Arya to re-evaluate the value of human life and the importance of her relationships with others, especially those she cares about. By burning the list, Arya could be symbolically choosing life and protection over death and vengeance. This decision would show that she values Gendry's safety over her quest for revenge, and it could be a step toward embracing a future where she prioritizes caring for those she loves instead of being consumed by hatred toward her enemies. Moreover, meeting Gendry again after a period of separation could stir feelings of hope and remind Arya of the possibilities of life beyond revenge. Gendry, as someone who also suffered but is not driven by vengeance, might represent a way of life that Arya has not fully considered—one where healing and building a positive future is possible. In Gendry, Arya might see not just a friend but also an embodiment of the life she could have—a life where she doesn't need to define herself by her past traumas or by the list that epitomizes her desire for retribution. The hope of healing could come from realizing that she has formed meaningful bonds despite her hardships and that these relationships can provide her with strength and comfort. Through this lens, burning the list wouldn't just be about letting go of her own pain; it would also be about protecting the people she has grown to care about. It's a demonstration that she can change and evolve, and that her identity isn't fixed to the girl who started that list. In summary, wanting to help Gendry survive could convincingly serve as the catalyst for Arya to reassess her life's purpose and potentially lead her to a path of emotional healing and a future that's not anchored in vengeance. This could be a major turning point for Arya's character, showing development from a vengeful survivor to a more compassionate and forward-looking individual.

question:So Gendry could represent a time where she was more 'human'?

answer:Yes, absolutely. In the world of "Game of Thrones," Gendry represents a connection to a time when Arya Stark, though still hardened by her family's misfortunes and the brutal realities of their world, was not as consumed by her quest for vengeance. Her friendship with Gendry is one of the more normal and human interactions she maintains in the midst of her often violent and lonely journey. Here's how Gendry embodies a sense of Arya's humanity: 1. **Normalcy and Companionship**: Amidst Arya's tumultuous life, Gendry provides a semblance of regularity and companionship. They met when they were both trying to survive, but their relationship was based on mutual respect and care rather than revenge and power struggles. 2. **Shared Vulnerabilities**: With Gendry, Arya is able to be vulnerable in a way she is not with others. He has seen her at her weakest and most genuine, bridging a connection that goes deeper than her assassin persona. 3. **Identity**: Gendry is also a link to her identity as Arya Stark of Winterfell. While much of her journey involves hiding who she is, with Gendry she can remember and reconnect with her roots. 4. **Innocence and Playfulness**: Gendry brings out Arya's innocence and the remnants of her childhood, something that is often buried under the weight of her traumas. When she's with him, we see flashes of the spirited young girl from the earlier seasons. 5. **Hope for the Future**: Gendry represents a possible future that includes more than just crossing off names on a list. This future could involve family, love, and a sense of belonging—components of a normal life that Arya has been deprived of for a long time. In a sense, Gendry reminds Arya of what life could be like without the list—without the hate and the constant striving for revenge. He exemplifies the "human" aspects of life—friendship, loyalty, affection—that Arya desperately needs but often suppresses in her quest for retribution. Their relationship highlights the parts of Arya that are still capable of having a non-violent personal connection, one not predicated on her being a ruthless avenger.

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