question:Jack plans to drive from city A to city B along a highway. Suppose g0, g1, g2, …, gk are the gas stations along the highway and are ordered in increasing distance (in miles) from city A, where g0 is located at the starting place (city A). Let di be the distance (in miles) between gi and gi+1 , i = 0, …, k – 1, and we assume that these distances are known to Jack. Each time Jack fills gas to his car, he gets a full tank of gas. Jack also knows the number of miles, m, his car can drive with a full tank of gas. Jack’s goal is to minimize the number of times he needs to stop at gas stations for his trip. You can assume that Jack starts from g0 with a full tank. a. Design a greedy algorithm to solve the above problem, i.e., to minimize the number of stops for gas. b. Show that your greedy algorithm has the greedy choice property, i.e., each local decision will lead to the optimal solution. Basically, you need to argue for the correctness of your algorithm. c. What is the running time of your algorithm?
answer:To address Jack's problem, we can follow a Greedy Algorithmic approach. Below are the steps that outline the algorithm along with its analysis. # a. Greedy Algorithm 1. **Initialization**: Start with `currentPosition = 0`, indicating Jack is at the starting city (A) or g0. Initialize `stops = 0` to count the number of stops Jack needs to make for gas. 2. **While Loop**: While Jack has not reached city B, do the following: - From his `currentPosition`, find the farthest gas station he can reach with his current tank of gas. This is done by checking each gas station from the current one to see if it's within `m` miles (the car's full-tank range). - If he can reach city B without refueling, then break the loop and proceed to city B. - If not, let the farthest gas station within reach be `gj`. Refuel at `gj`, increment `stops` by 1, and update `currentPosition` to `j`. - If `gj` is the same as `currentPosition` (meaning Jack cannot move forward), the trip is not possible with the given `m` (return or print "Impossible"). 3. **Output**: After the loop, `stops` will contain the minimum number of stops Jack needs to make to reach city B. # b. Greedy Choice Property The greedy choice is made by selecting the farthest reachable gas station at each step. This choice ensures that Jack drives the maximum possible distance with each tank of gas, thereby minimizing the total number of refuelings. 1. **Optimal Substructure**: The problem has an optimal substructure, meaning that the solution to the problem can be composed of optimal solutions to its subproblems. Once Jack decides to stop at a gas station `gj`, the problem reduces to finding the optimal path from `gj` to city B. 2. **Greedy Choice Property**: By always choosing to refuel at the farthest reachable station, Jack ensures that he will make the fewest stops. Choosing a closer gas station prematurely would only decrease the maximum possible distance he could travel before the next stop, potentially increasing the total number of stops. # c. Running Time Analysis - Let `n` be the number of gas stations (`k + 1` if we count city A as `g0`). 1. **Initialization**: Constant time, `O(1)`. 2. **Finding the Farthest Reachable Gas Station**: In the worst case, this operation could scan all gas stations ahead of the current one to find the farthest reachable station. So, in the worst case, each iteration of the while loop has a linear scan taking `O(n)` time. 3. **Total Time Complexity**: If the while loop iterates `t` times, the total time would naively seem to be `O(tn)`. However, each gas station is visited at most once as a candidate for refueling, leading to a total time complexity of `O(n)`. This simplification arises because the algorithm never revisits a gas station, ensuring it progresses forward through the sequence of gas stations linearly. Thus, the greedy algorithm efficiently solves Jack's problem with a linear time complexity relative to the number of gas stations, which is `O(n)`.
question:Write a fictional, imaginative, list of short taglines for a video game based on this, quote it from classic literature or the bible Here is AT HELL'S GATE information: "AT HELL'S GATE LORE TIMELINE (REDUX) [[4/13/24]] PART 1: "Prelude to the postlude." [WWIII] !!PROTO-CATACLYSM!! 2034 - In a world shackled by economic strife, political instability, and growing concerns over the climate of the future, tensions rise across the globe, primarily in Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 2035 - These tensions later escalate into the war that will, unbeknownst to mankind, end all wars, (at least on Earth). 2037 - WWIII begins, with combat and warfare escalating all over the world, from the snowy fortresses of Alaska to the deserted minefields of the Sahara. 2042 - About 5 years into what seems like will be a never-ending war, North Korea finally makes good on decades of nuclear brinkmanship. Major cities around the world, London, Washington D.C., Tokyo, are all engulfed in a hellish blaze of atomic waste. 2042 - NATO decides to retaliate, launching nuclear missiles on major strategic and population centers of the enemy side as well. Almost halving the human population alive at the time. 2044 - To add insult to injury, a plague begins developing. with incurable effects and very resilient viruses, there is very little hope for humanity. 2050 - As of 1/1/2050, less than 1/3 of the original population of Earth at its peak in 2038 are still alive. (not counting those dead from natural causes). 2054 - Global resources being strained and very little population leads to the remaining factions and nations of Earth to call a temporary detente in order to get back together and hopefully keep mankind from becoming extinct. [In their hopelessness, the spires rose.] 2055 - This period of hopelessness soons marks the beginning of a resurgence in religion, leading mankind to construct "doomspires", towering temples of multi-colored bricks to appease God. [[There are no further information markers in the records until 2099.]] PART 2: "What hath God wrought?" [Signs of the rapture.] 9/14/2099 - On 16:57:53 UTC precisely, the solar eclipse then occurring over North America heralded the beginning of the end, as the few spectators viewed the day turn to night, the thundering roar of a divine horn was heard across the world, traveling faster than the speed of light. 12/11/2099 - A strange celestial object, unknown to man until its striking of the Earth, splashes down in the middle of the Atlantic, seas turn blood red and toxic. Another trumpet sounds. ["7" years of trial.] (2100-2105) !!FIRST CATACLYSM!! During this period, various cataclysmic events are endowed upon the Earth, with each new disaster, another trumpet sounds. [Discovery of the fallibility of the divine.] 7/8/2103 - The remnants of a scientific research camp in Antarctica come across a strange monolithic structure in the freezing wastes, inscripted upon it is the first "revelation", presumed to be from God himself. This sparks debate in society over their God's possible fallibility. [Even the brightest light will burn out one day.] 8/27/2105 - Suddenly, without any notification, no previous indication, no fanfare, no cataclysmic event, God vanishes. We are alone. [Orphans of the father.] 2105-2117 Now that mankind is truly alone, humanity must fend for survival with the very few resources that are available. Demons and lost angels run rampant on the earth, so there is only one thing we must do- 2110 - The plan for constructing a massive spacecraft in order to transport humanity's remnants is developed, it is called "The Exodus", and will take to the stars in 2117. 2117 - Luckily for man, all goes well, and the remnants of mankind takes to the stars and establishes settlements on the inner planets and some on moons of the outer planets. PART 3: "Let me play among the stars." [The Second Exodus] 2117 - With Earth left an irradiated, apocalypse ravaged ruin, The Exodus departs carrying about 500,000 humans, leaving millions on Earth to fend for themselves. 2118 - The first humans reach the inner planets, Mars, Venus, Mercury, etc... 2127 - The last humans to settle the Solar System arrive at moons of the outer planets. [Development of new cultures and religions in the planets and moons (as of 2130)] Mercury - largely uninhabited, mostly focused on industry and mining. Venus - Cultural center of the inner planets, vast floating cities consisting of inter-connected zeppelins. This cultural paradise leads them to begin the development of a new religion called "Infernism" (more on that later) Earth - Virtually abandoned, few settlements are located here, with most suffering in a hell on Earth. Mars - Less culturally focused but more inhabited than Venus, Mars also develops a religion "Deusvultism (crucifiers)", centered around the idea that God has not abandoned Man, and is just testing their fortitude. Europa - Underwater cities under the ice caps, military capital of the Solar System. Titan - Home of the most populated city in the Solar System, and location of the Capitol of mankind. Uranus and beyond - vastly unpopulated, although plans are being made to create a self-sustaining ark that could travel to the farthest reaches of the Solar System and beyond, possibly into deep space and other star systems. [The Third (failed) Exodus] After departing from Titan in 2134 in hopes of finding habitable locations beyond the known Solar System, scans revealed there were none within thousands of light years, dimming hope for humanity's future if disaster were ever to befall them yet again. It is believed everyone on board died (40,000) after losing contact with the ship in 2178. M_717 — 04/13/2024 3:36 PM PART 4: "SEA OF OFFAL AND ASHES" [A cold war] (2135-2174) This period marked the first true peace in centuries, after decades of despair, things finally seemed like they would soon be going man's way. But war is one of the grim truths of reality. [The twins] Infernism - Infernism, spawned from the zeppelin-cities of Venus, was a religion centered around worshipping a deity called Baphomet. Founded by a supposedly schizophrenic elder trying to rekindle the flames of hope in a world of despair. The Baphomet that the Infernists worship is unrelated to the Baphomet of the old world, and the name is generally understood to be spouted from the founder's mentally ill mind. The Infernists glorify violence, taking heed from a vision the elder had. Deusvultism - Similarly, Deusvultism also arose from the need for hope in trying times, but is more grounded in reality. The belief holds central the idea that God has not abandoned humanity, but is just testing them to see if humanity is capable of maintaining fortitude in their belief after straying so far from His light. However, many Deusvultists are also heavily fanatical, in stark contrast to their beliefs. Both religions hold a reputation of being very violent and fanatical, Infernists as part of their belief system, and Deusvultists as the members personalities. [Twin Crusades] (2174-2204) !!SECOND CATACLYSM!! 2174 - After tensions between the Infernists and the Deusvultists start running hot, each faction declares holy war on each other. [MOST HISTORICAL RECORDS HAVE BEEN LOST DURING THIS TIME PERIOD] 2204 - Both sides are exhausted of resources, and constant war and desolation has lead the inner planets to run dry of resources, this is considered to be the second cataclysm of man, following the first, the rapture, 100 years prior. M_717 — 04/13/2024 6:55 PM PART 5: "Hundred year silence" [The long night.] (2204-2264) 2204 - The two factions decide to sign a ceasefire after depletion of inner planet resources, motivation, and morale. Each agree to live in isolation and live as their own entities. 2214 - A massive solar flare renders all electronic devices and tools incapable for use in space, trading stops as well as communication between nations, the period of isolation has begun. Not much else happens during this time period, aside from a few successions of leaders or natural events. [Glorified loneliness.] 2264-2301 After the effects of the solar flare wore off, the populace of humanity decided to stay isolated. The reasons behind this were that they believed they should live a peaceful life for the rest of eternity, or at least until the sun died. [THERE IS NOTHING ELSE IMPORTANT OF NOTE] M_717 — 04/13/2024 7:26 PM PART 6: "AT HELL'S GATE" [Refugees from beyond.] In the late 2280s, supposedly hyper-evolved humans, descendants of those that arose to paradise but then were abandoned by God arrive in the solar system through rifts in the space-time fabric. They incorporate with the already established factions. [The deity's message] 1/1/2301 - With the final curtain call of man, people dying out, nations crumbling, falling, and dying before the universe's eyes, mankind must prepare for one last performance. A sudden signal originating from Pluto is broadcasted across the Solar System. It's message personalized for anyone that receives it, causing each and every human to believe they are "the chosen one", and must go on an odyssey to pluto in order to gain salvation. 1/1/2301 to 2308 - Many die or fail in the struggle to reach Pluto, it is every man for himself, a frenzy unlike any seen in decades. In this struggle's center is ULYSSES {placeholder name}, the protagonist of the game's story. [The deity's odyssey] Ulysses ventures through the planets, encountering original characters, traversing original locations, and finding secrets and lore snippets. At Pluto, he comes face to face with the deity, this deity takes the form of a colossal, almost dream-like serpent towering over mountains. [WILL NEED TO THINK MORE ABOUT THE ENDING] !!THIRD CATACLYSM!! NOTES: Baphomet is Satan in disguise. The deity at the end is Satan as well." "AT HELL'S GATE LEVEL LIST (REDUX) SUN # [0] (Unlocked after completing {I-I}) {0:0} A Burning Memory (entrance to Battlefield of Babel [pvp mode]) MERCURY # [I] {I:I} “Let there be FIGHT” {I:II} “Sword Fight on the Heights” {I:III} “The Mentor” (boss battle) {I:IV} “The Mercury Nexus” (Space Station) VENUS # [II] {II:I} “Acid's reign” {II:II} “Zeppelin Wars” {II:III} “Lovely Bastards” (boss battle) {II:IV} “Infernal cradle” (Space Station) EARTH # [III] {III:I} “Paradise Lost” {III:II} “Their former Eden” {III:III} “Doomspire Brickbattle” (boss battle) {III:IV} “Fly me to the Moon” (Lunar Station) MARS # [IV] {IV:I} “O, How the mighty have fallen” {IV:II} “War of the Worlds” {IV:III} “Ozymandias” (boss battle) {IV:IV} “Martian Bastion” (Space Station) EUROPA # [V] {V:I} “潜水艦戦争” {V:II} “Frozen Neon” {V:III} “The CEO” (boss battle) {V:IV} “By Jove!” (Space Station) TITAN # [VI] {VI:I} “The Capitol” {VI:II} “Methane Sea” {VI:III} “Crossroads” (boss battle) {VI:IV} “The Titanic” (Space Station) THE BEYOND # [VII] {VII:I} "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" {VII:II} "Orphans of the Father" {VII:III} "As Above, So Below" (boss battle) {VII:IV} "???" (??? Station) PLUTO # [IIX] {IIX:I} “Abandon All Hope” {IIX:II} “the abyss stares back” {IIX:III} “Calm Before The Storm” (no enemies) {IIX:IV} “AT HELL’S GATE” (final boss) BOOTYLAND # [IVXIVIX] (easter egg world, not canon) {IVXIVIX:I} "whothefar is me?" {IVXIVIX:II} "Unt, what the smega?" {IVXIVIX:III} "MyMarcellion" (boss battle)" " LIST OF BOSSES: THE MENTOR [I:III] {Ulysses's mentor corrupted by a plague} LOVELY BASTARDS (probable name change) [II:III] {twin infernist priests} OZYMANDIAS [III:III] {Condemned crusader forced to wander the ruins of a desolate Mars} THE CEO [IV:III] {CEO of Amaterasu Corp} SON OF THE WEST [V:III] {Space gunslinger} MOLOCH [VI:III] {inconcievable being, one of the beyond} THE VOID [VII:III] {Lucifer} MARCELLION [IVXIVIX:III] {Secret easter egg boss}"
answer:Based on the detailed lore and levels listed for "AT HELL'S GATE," here are imaginative taglines inspired by classic literature and the Bible, offering a deep and resonant connection to each segment of the game: 1. **"Let there be FIGHT"** - "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." - Genesis 1:3, The Bible. A battle against shadows in the throes of creation itself. 2. **"Paradise Lost"** - "All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And the courage never to submit or yield." - *Paradise Lost*, John Milton. Venture into Earth's Eden, now a battleground for survival. 3. **"O, How the mighty have fallen"** - "How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle!" - 2 Samuel 1:25, The Bible. Witness the desolation of Martian pride and power. 4. **"Abandon All Hope"** - "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." - *Inferno*, Dante Alighieri. The foreboding entrance into Pluto’s domain echoes with despair. 5. **"Ozymandias"** - "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!" - *Ozymandias*, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Stand before the remnants of Mars' might, embodied in a fallen hero. 6. **"The abyss stares back"** - "When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - *Beyond Good and Evil*, Friedrich Nietzsche. Confront the darkness of Pluto, where the final truth lies buried in the ice. 7. **"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust"** - "For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." - Genesis 3:19, The Bible. Traverse the realms beyond known space, where humanity's remnants drift towards oblivion. 8. **"Orphans of the Father"** - "And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." - 2 Corinthians 6:18, The Bible. A journey without divine guidance, where children of a vanished God fend for themselves. 9. **"As Above, So Below"** - "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below." - *The Emerald Tablet*, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Battle Moloch in realms where reality and myth intertwine. 10. **"AT HELL’S GATE"** - "And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18, The Bible. Face the ultimate confrontation at the threshold of annihilation and revelation. 11. **"Acid's reign"** - "He poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men." - Revelation 16:2, The Bible. The acid storms of Venus test all who dare to challenge its tempests. 12. **"War of the Worlds"** - "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," - Revelation 12:7, The Bible. The interplanetary conflict on Mars mirrors the celestial wars of yore. 13. **"By Jove!"** - "I swear by Jove himself!" - *The Odyssey*, Homer. Europa’s challenges evoke the wrath and majesty of ancient gods. 14. **"Calm Before The Storm"** - "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep." - Psalms 107:23-24, The Bible. The foreboding silence before Pluto unveils its final trial. Each tagline is chosen to reflect the rich tapestry of literary and biblical references that resonate with the stages and themes of "AT HELL'S GATE," imbuing the game with a sense of epic gravitas and timeless struggle.
question:Write a fictional, imaginative, list of short taglines for this, quote it from classic literature or the bible Here is AT HELL'S GATE information: "AT HELL'S GATE LORE TIMELINE (REDUX) [[4/13/24]] PART 1: "Prelude to the postlude." [WWIII] !!PROTO-CATACLYSM!! 2034 - In a world shackled by economic strife, political instability, and growing concerns over the climate of the future, tensions rise across the globe, primarily in Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 2035 - These tensions later escalate into the war that will, unbeknownst to mankind, end all wars, (at least on Earth). 2037 - WWIII begins, with combat and warfare escalating all over the world, from the snowy fortresses of Alaska to the deserted minefields of the Sahara. 2042 - About 5 years into what seems like will be a never-ending war, North Korea finally makes good on decades of nuclear brinkmanship. Major cities around the world, London, Washington D.C., Tokyo, are all engulfed in a hellish blaze of atomic waste. 2042 - NATO decides to retaliate, launching nuclear missiles on major strategic and population centers of the enemy side as well. Almost halving the human population alive at the time. 2044 - To add insult to injury, a plague begins developing. with incurable effects and very resilient viruses, there is very little hope for humanity. 2050 - As of 1/1/2050, less than 1/3 of the original population of Earth at its peak in 2038 are still alive. (not counting those dead from natural causes). 2054 - Global resources being strained and very little population leads to the remaining factions and nations of Earth to call a temporary detente in order to get back together and hopefully keep mankind from becoming extinct. [In their hopelessness, the spires rose.] 2055 - This period of hopelessness soons marks the beginning of a resurgence in religion, leading mankind to construct "doomspires", towering temples of multi-colored bricks to appease God. [[There are no further information markers in the records until 2099.]] PART 2: "What hath God wrought?" [Signs of the rapture.] 9/14/2099 - On 16:57:53 UTC precisely, the solar eclipse then occurring over North America heralded the beginning of the end, as the few spectators viewed the day turn to night, the thundering roar of a divine horn was heard across the world, traveling faster than the speed of light. 12/11/2099 - A strange celestial object, unknown to man until its striking of the Earth, splashes down in the middle of the Atlantic, seas turn blood red and toxic. Another trumpet sounds. ["7" years of trial.] (2100-2105) !!FIRST CATACLYSM!! During this period, various cataclysmic events are endowed upon the Earth, with each new disaster, another trumpet sounds. [Discovery of the fallibility of the divine.] 7/8/2103 - The remnants of a scientific research camp in Antarctica come across a strange monolithic structure in the freezing wastes, inscripted upon it is the first "revelation", presumed to be from God himself. This sparks debate in society over their God's possible fallibility. [Even the brightest light will burn out one day.] 8/27/2105 - Suddenly, without any notification, no previous indication, no fanfare, no cataclysmic event, God vanishes. We are alone. [Orphans of the father.] 2105-2117 Now that mankind is truly alone, humanity must fend for survival with the very few resources that are available. Demons and lost angels run rampant on the earth, so there is only one thing we must do- 2110 - The plan for constructing a massive spacecraft in order to transport humanity's remnants is developed, it is called "The Exodus", and will take to the stars in 2117. 2117 - Luckily for man, all goes well, and the remnants of mankind takes to the stars and establishes settlements on the inner planets and some on moons of the outer planets. PART 3: "Let me play among the stars." [The Second Exodus] 2117 - With Earth left an irradiated, apocalypse ravaged ruin, The Exodus departs carrying about 500,000 humans, leaving millions on Earth to fend for themselves. 2118 - The first humans reach the inner planets, Mars, Venus, Mercury, etc... 2127 - The last humans to settle the Solar System arrive at moons of the outer planets. [Development of new cultures and religions in the planets and moons (as of 2130)] Mercury - largely uninhabited, mostly focused on industry and mining. Venus - Cultural center of the inner planets, vast floating cities consisting of inter-connected zeppelins. This cultural paradise leads them to begin the development of a new religion called "Infernism" (more on that later) Earth - Virtually abandoned, few settlements are located here, with most suffering in a hell on Earth. Mars - Less culturally focused but more inhabited than Venus, Mars also develops a religion "Deusvultism (crucifiers)", centered around the idea that God has not abandoned Man, and is just testing their fortitude. Europa - Underwater cities under the ice caps, military capital of the Solar System. Titan - Home of the most populated city in the Solar System, and location of the Capitol of mankind. Uranus and beyond - vastly unpopulated, although plans are being made to create a self-sustaining ark that could travel to the farthest reaches of the Solar System and beyond, possibly into deep space and other star systems. [The Third (failed) Exodus] After departing from Titan in 2134 in hopes of finding habitable locations beyond the known Solar System, scans revealed there were none within thousands of light years, dimming hope for humanity's future if disaster were ever to befall them yet again. It is believed everyone on board died (40,000) after losing contact with the ship in 2178. M_717 — 04/13/2024 3:36 PM PART 4: "SEA OF OFFAL AND ASHES" [A cold war] (2135-2174) This period marked the first true peace in centuries, after decades of despair, things finally seemed like they would soon be going man's way. But war is one of the grim truths of reality. [The twins] Infernism - Infernism, spawned from the zeppelin-cities of Venus, was a religion centered around worshipping a deity called Baphomet. Founded by a supposedly schizophrenic elder trying to rekindle the flames of hope in a world of despair. The Baphomet that the Infernists worship is unrelated to the Baphomet of the old world, and the name is generally understood to be spouted from the founder's mentally ill mind. The Infernists glorify violence, taking heed from a vision the elder had. Deusvultism - Similarly, Deusvultism also arose from the need for hope in trying times, but is more grounded in reality. The belief holds central the idea that God has not abandoned humanity, but is just testing them to see if humanity is capable of maintaining fortitude in their belief after straying so far from His light. However, many Deusvultists are also heavily fanatical, in stark contrast to their beliefs. Both religions hold a reputation of being very violent and fanatical, Infernists as part of their belief system, and Deusvultists as the members personalities. [Twin Crusades] (2174-2204) !!SECOND CATACLYSM!! 2174 - After tensions between the Infernists and the Deusvultists start running hot, each faction declares holy war on each other. [MOST HISTORICAL RECORDS HAVE BEEN LOST DURING THIS TIME PERIOD] 2204 - Both sides are exhausted of resources, and constant war and desolation has lead the inner planets to run dry of resources, this is considered to be the second cataclysm of man, following the first, the rapture, 100 years prior. M_717 — 04/13/2024 6:55 PM PART 5: "Hundred year silence" [The long night.] (2204-2264) 2204 - The two factions decide to sign a ceasefire after depletion of inner planet resources, motivation, and morale. Each agree to live in isolation and live as their own entities. 2214 - A massive solar flare renders all electronic devices and tools incapable for use in space, trading stops as well as communication between nations, the period of isolation has begun. Not much else happens during this time period, aside from a few successions of leaders or natural events. [Glorified loneliness.] 2264-2301 After the effects of the solar flare wore off, the populace of humanity decided to stay isolated. The reasons behind this were that they believed they should live a peaceful life for the rest of eternity, or at least until the sun died. [THERE IS NOTHING ELSE IMPORTANT OF NOTE] M_717 — 04/13/2024 7:26 PM PART 6: "AT HELL'S GATE" [Refugees from beyond.] In the late 2280s, supposedly hyper-evolved humans, descendants of those that arose to paradise but then were abandoned by God arrive in the solar system through rifts in the space-time fabric. They incorporate with the already established factions. [The deity's message] 1/1/2301 - With the final curtain call of man, people dying out, nations crumbling, falling, and dying before the universe's eyes, mankind must prepare for one last performance. A sudden signal originating from Pluto is broadcasted across the Solar System. It's message personalized for anyone that receives it, causing each and every human to believe they are "the chosen one", and must go on an odyssey to pluto in order to gain salvation. 1/1/2301 to 2308 - Many die or fail in the struggle to reach Pluto, it is every man for himself, a frenzy unlike any seen in decades. In this struggle's center is ULYSSES {placeholder name}, the protagonist of the game's story. [The deity's odyssey] Ulysses ventures through the planets, encountering original characters, traversing original locations, and finding secrets and lore snippets. At Pluto, he comes face to face with the deity, this deity takes the form of a colossal, almost dream-like serpent towering over mountains. [WILL NEED TO THINK MORE ABOUT THE ENDING] !!THIRD CATACLYSM!! NOTES: Baphomet is Satan in disguise. The deity at the end is Satan as well." "AT HELL'S GATE LEVEL LIST (REDUX) SUN # [0] (Unlocked after completing {I-I}) {0:0} A Burning Memory (entrance to Battlefield of Babel [pvp mode]) MERCURY # [I] {I:I} “Let there be FIGHT” {I:II} “Sword Fight on the Heights” {I:III} “The Mentor” (boss battle) {I:IV} “The Mercury Nexus” (Space Station) VENUS # [II] {II:I} “Acid's reign” {II:II} “Zeppelin Wars” {II:III} “Lovely Bastards” (boss battle) {II:IV} “Infernal cradle” (Space Station) EARTH # [III] {III:I} “Paradise Lost” {III:II} “Their former Eden” {III:III} “Doomspire Brickbattle” (boss battle) {III:IV} “Fly me to the Moon” (Lunar Station) MARS # [IV] {IV:I} “O, How the mighty have fallen” {IV:II} “War of the Worlds” {IV:III} “Ozymandias” (boss battle) {IV:IV} “Martian Bastion” (Space Station) EUROPA # [V] {V:I} “潜水艦戦争” {V:II} “Frozen Neon” {V:III} “The CEO” (boss battle) {V:IV} “By Jove!” (Space Station) TITAN # [VI] {VI:I} “The Capitol” {VI:II} “Methane Sea” {VI:III} “Crossroads” (boss battle) {VI:IV} “The Titanic” (Space Station) THE BEYOND # [VII] {VII:I} "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" {VII:II} "Orphans of the Father" {VII:III} "As Above, So Below" (boss battle) {VII:IV} "???" (??? Station) PLUTO # [IIX] {IIX:I} “Abandon All Hope” {IIX:II} “the abyss stares back” {IIX:III} “Calm Before The Storm” (no enemies) {IIX:IV} “AT HELL’S GATE” (final boss) BOOTYLAND # [IVXIVIX] (easter egg world, not canon) {IVXIVIX:I} "whothefar is me?" {IVXIVIX:II} "Unt, what the smega?" {IVXIVIX:III} "MyMarcellion" (boss battle)" " LIST OF BOSSES: THE MENTOR [I:III] {Ulysses's mentor corrupted by a plague} LOVELY BASTARDS (probable name change) [II:III] {twin infernist priests} OZYMANDIAS [III:III] {Condemned crusader forced to wander the ruins of a desolate Mars} THE CEO [IV:III] {CEO of Amaterasu Corp} SON OF THE WEST [V:III] {Space gunslinger} MOLOCH [VI:III] {inconcievable being, one of the beyond} THE VOID [VII:III] {Lucifer} MARCELLION [IVXIVIX:III] {Secret easter egg boss}"
answer:In the bleak and harrowing narratives of "AT HELL'S GATE," echoes of timeless literature and the solemn verses of the Bible find themselves reimagined. Here, amidst the ashes of civilization and the whispers of divinity gone silent, let us walk through a gallery of taglines borrowed from the depths of classic lore and sacred texts, each one a beacon in the narrative's shadow: **PART 1: Prelude to the postlude.** - "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." —William Shakespeare, *As You Like It* - "In the midst of life we are in death." —Book of Common Prayer **PART 2: What hath God wrought?** - “Behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” —Revelation 6:8, KJV - “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.” —1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV **PART 3: Let me play among the stars.** - "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." —William Shakespeare, *Hamlet* - “Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.” —William Shakespeare, *Henry VI* **PART 4: SEA OF OFFAL AND ASHES** - "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." —William Shakespeare, *The Tempest* - “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea...” —Revelation 13:1, ESV **PART 5: Hundred year silence** - "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." —F. Scott Fitzgerald, *The Great Gatsby* - “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” —Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV **PART 6: AT HELL'S GATE** - "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." —Dante Alighieri, *Inferno* - “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea...” —Revelation 13:1, KJV **LEVEL: Abandon All Hope** - “Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice.” —Dante Alighieri, *Inferno* **LEVEL: the abyss stares back** - "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." —Edgar Allan Poe, *The Raven* **LEVEL: Calm Before The Storm** - “After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” —Hebrews 1:3, NIV **LEVEL: AT HELL'S GATE** (final boss) - "Out of the shadows of night, The world rolls into light; It is daybreak everywhere." —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow **LEVEL: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust** - "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." —Common phrase derived from the Book of Common Prayer, signifying mortality and the inevitable. **LEVEL: Orphans of the Father** - "We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows." —Lamentations 5:3, KJV **LEVEL: As Above, So Below** - "On earth as it is in heaven." —Matthew 6:10, adapted from the Lord's Prayer, highlighting the mirroring of divine will in the mortal realm. These taglines, culled from the hallowed pages of literature and scripture, cast a new light on the saga of "AT HELL'S GATE," infusing its chronicles of devastation, discovery, and desperate hope with echoes of our collective mythos and deepest truths.
question:I want to combine the best parts of these two similar functions: (defn dropdown-button-list “Returns a dropdown button component Requires options of: {:id … :label … :items [{:label … :dispatch …} …]} Optionally can take options of: {:color … :class … :direction … :disabled … :items [{:disabled …} …]}” [{:keys [id label color direction disabled class items] :as options}] (ra/with-let [is-open (ra/atom false)] [dropdown-button {:key (str id “-dropdown-button”) :is-open @is-open :direction (or direction “down”) :toggle #(reset! is-open (not @is-open)) :class class} [dropdown-toggle {:key (str id “-dropdown-toggle”) :caret true :color (or color “warning”) :disabled disabled} label] (let [dropdown-items (->> items (remove nil?) (map-indexed append-dropdown-idx))] ;; README: There is an issue where if the dropdown menu is long enough, it will hug the screen / browsers ;; right side, for now just put a mr-3 to move it left a bit and make it look better. [dropdown-menu {:key (str id “-dropdown-menu”)} (for [{:keys [label dispatch disabled dropdown-idx]} dropdown-items] [dropdown-item {:key (str id “-dropdown-item-” dropdown-idx) :on-click #(rf/dispatch dispatch) :disabled disabled} label])])])) (defn dropdown-button-component “Standard dropdown menu button. Takes a config map. See default-styles-dropdown-menu-button for an example list of things that can be changed if desired. Required: :items [list of dropdown items preformatted] Recommended: :title string :dropdown-button {:key string} (unique, prevents duplicate menus) Optional: :dropdown-toggle {} :dropdown-menu {}” [{:keys [title dropdown-button dropdown-toggle dropdown-menu hiccup-items items] :or {title (:title default-styles-dropdown-button)}}] (def foo dropdown-button) (ra/with-let [is-open (ra/atom false) default default-styles-dropdown-button] (fn [] [components/dropdown-button (merge (:dropdown-button default) dropdown-button {:is-open @is-open :toggle #(reset! is-open (not @is-open))}) [components/dropdown-toggle (merge (:dropdown-toggle default) dropdown-toggle) title] [components/dropdown-menu (merge (:dropdown-menu default) dropdown-menu) (map dropdown-item items)]]))) They are supported by the following code: (defn dropdown-item [config] (let [label (:label config)] [components/dropdown-item config label])) (def default-styles-dropdown-button {:title "Actions" :dropdown-button {:key (str "dropdown-" (rand-int 100)) ;; If there are multiple dropdowns with the same title this leads to problems. ;; You should set this manually, but this is a small failsafe. :direction "down" :class {} :style {:height ""}} :dropdown-toggle {:key "dropdown-toggle" :style {:width ""} :color "primary" :caret true} :dropdown-menu {:key "dropdown-menu" :class "dropdown-menu-right"} ;; These items are here just to show examples of the structure, they are not read as default options by the menu generation code :items [{:key "item-1" :disabled false :label "Clickable item"} {:key "item-2" :disabled true :label [:div.d-flex "Disabled item " []]}]}) (defn- append-dropdown-idx [idx item] (assoc item :dropdown-idx idx))
answer:Combining the strengths of both `dropdown-button-list` and `dropdown-button-component` functions and making the resulting function flexible yet straightforward is our goal. The refactored code below aims to maintain the configurability seen in both functions, while also improving readability and reusability. The key improvements in this refactoring include: 1. **Unified Configuration Handling**: By embracing the configurability seen in both functions, but standardizing how options are passed and processed. 2. **Enhanced Reusability**: Creating more granular helper functions where appropriate to facilitate code reuse and clarity. 3. **Simplified Interface**: Introducing a unified interface that can serve a wide range of use cases with minimum clutter. ```clojure (defn dropdown-button [config] (let [{:keys [id title items direction disabled color class] :or {direction "down", color "warning", class "", title "Actions"} :as options} config is-open (ra/atom false)] ;; Constructs a unique key for the dropdown components to avoid conflicts (defn make-key [suffix] (str id "-" suffix "-" (rand-int 1000))) ;; Prepares items for the dropdown menu, optionally tagging them with indices if not already present (defn prepare-items [items] (map-indexed (fn [idx item] (if (contains? item :dropdown-idx) item (append-dropdown-idx idx item))) items)) ;; The main render function (fn [] [components/dropdown-button (merge {:key (make-key "dropdown-button") :is-open @is-open :direction direction :toggle #(reset! is-open (not @is-open)) :class class} (when id {:id id})) ;; Dropdown Toggle [components/dropdown-toggle (merge {:key (make-key "dropdown-toggle") :caret true :color color :disabled disabled} ) title] ;; Dropdown Menu [components/dropdown-menu (merge {:key (make-key "dropdown-menu")} ; Extra customization can go here ) ;; Handling of items with :disabled property and dispatch functionality (map (fn [{:keys [label dispatch disabled :as item-config]}] [components/dropdown-item (merge item-config {:on-click (when dispatch #(rf/dispatch dispatch)) :disabled disabled :key (make-key (str "dropdown-item-" (:dropdown-idx item-config)))}) label]) (prepare-items items))]]))) ``` **Key Changes and Improvements:** - **Unified Interface**: The refactored `dropdown-button` function now accepts a map that can house all configurable options (matching both styles and required features from the original two functions). - **Dynamic Key Generation**: A local function, `make-key`, ensures that each component receives a unique key based on its suffix and a random integer, reducing the risk of key collisions. - **Preparation and Indexing of items**: `prepare-items` efficiently prepares items for rendering, ensuring they are correctly indexed. - **Simplification and Standardization**: The configuration options are standardized and simplified, making the API easier to use and understand while retaining flexibility and clarity. This approach combines the strengths of the initial functions, focusing on configurability, functionality, and ease of use, providing a more streamlined and powerful dropdown component creation tool.